Again, PBS machinery has appeared not far from the village of Myslivka in Dolyna district. Here the repairs of the section, which was unfinished last year, continue.
Last night, PBS road builders repaired 200 meters of road surface over the plan, reinforced the road base with cold recycling and applied the coarse asphalt concrete lower layer. Today's morning, our staff began covering the entire section with upper-layer concrete, including the previously repaired one-kilometer section of the road.
"The total length of the site we're now repairing is 1245 meters. The funds being allocated for the current average repair of the P-21 road in Ivano-Frankivsk region, are insufficient. It's unfortunate, but we can't work any further. We hope that by the end of the year, there will be some funding and we'll be able to continue", - PBS road builders.
The PBS company are planning to repair the entire P-21 road (from Dolyna to Khust), since the company is the winner of the tender, held by the Transcarpathian Road Service. Still, the situation with funding remains to be quite disappointing.