Repairs have commenced on putting the finishing asphalt concrete layer on the national importance road H-10 Stryi - Mamalyha. The gravel-mastic asphalt-concrete is being applied near the village of Pylio in Kalush district, on the section km 62+300 - km 63+400.
"The road in Piylo was repaired in late 2018. Back then only leveling coarse-grained asphalt concrete layer was completed. The coating served well, no damage was detected. We're now working on the upper layer. The top layer will reliably protect the structure: it is resistant to the negative effects of water and moisture, as well as mechanical damage", - "PBS" road builders.
The upper layer is being arranged on a 1,1 km plot. Later, similar works will be resumed in the village of Holyn.
By the way, the H-10 road from Ivano-Frankivsk to Dolyna was repaired in separate sections. Previous years saw another contractor working there. We would like to stress out that damage detected in Piylo has nothing to do with the company's projects.