Repairs continue on the section of the road P-21 Dolyna-Khust, namely the part passing through villages Zaperedillia and Vuchkove in Mizhhirya district of the Zakarpattia region. Currently, our team is carrying out repair work on the 82nd kilometer of this highway in the village of Vuchkove.
"PBS" brigades started to loosen the old road surface, in order to re-profile the road, add the 0-40 gravel-sand mixture and regenerate the road base using the cold recycling technology. Soon we will start pressing the bottom asphalt concrete layer. We also cut down tree branches that impede the movement of cars. In Zaperedillia, 5 kilometers are ready with leveling asphalt concrete layer and 2 kilometers with upper SMA layer.
We hope the weather conditions will allow us to fully arrange the upper layer and apply the markings.